The more I hear about this communistic plot that makes a mockery of how our country is supposed to be run...the angrier I get.
Let's throw all 535 out and start over.
Now that so many Americans will be at the government will likely become impossible to rein in these socialist pigs. Too many people can vote themselves "raises."
Welcome to the full-blown welfare state. And if you're not disgusted at how all this was done, I question your comprehension skills.
The more I hear about this communistic plot that makes a mockery of how our country is supposed to be run...the angrier I get.
Let's throw all 535 out and start over.
Now that so many Americans will be at the government will likely become impossible to rein in these socialist pigs. Too many people can vote themselves "raises."
Welcome to the full-blown welfare state. And if you're not disgusted at how all this was done, I question your comprehension skills.