The timeline is pretty much set. It is the time-frame that you are making up.Ah. More projection. You’re getting proficient Jon
i didnt make the timeline. It clearly shows the standard of the time.
u keep referring to some oral drug … ok. Cool. How many new vaccine types went from zero to 60 in less than 12 months?
you keep insisting this is all done properly
i wont presume why you keep saying this … but u do.
i am secure in my decision for myself you should consider that your advocacy removes that decision for millions.
We cannot be stuck on a length of time. Should cars drive as slow as horses and buggies?
I gave you examples of medications which were approved in a short time frame. We can Olay pretend all day long dud it take the last commercially avaliable mRNA vaccine to be approved? How long for last years flu vacvine (which is not the same as the flu vacvine the year before)?
I do not understand why you would not be thankful a vaccine has been vetted in time to address the current pandemic.