Well-Known Member
You mibght like the Nas 2020 then also, as it now reads a lot like the Csb!
The only problem I have with the NASB20 is the exact same problem I have with the NASB95: it still maintains that awkward, stilted word order/sentence structure.
Although I admire the efforts of Bible translators to be as "literal" or "word for word" as possible, it makes reading scripture more difficult than it has to be.
By maintaining the word order/sentence structure of the original ancient Greek text, it fails to conform to our current "modern" English grammar. (Hence, the descriptive word "wooden.")
Although I certainly understand the value of that for "word study," I find it unhelpful for devotional reading, corporate worship, or simply reading aloud for the vision impaired, for instance (which I do quite often, by the way.)