Secrets of Dealing with Calvinists
When you ask a Calvinist why God might choose to save one over another, they will tell you that we don't know, yet somehow they know the choice was unconditional? How is that?
Just because you don't know the condition doesn't necessitate that one doesn't exist, does it?
I will give you the secrets to dealing effectively with Calvinists:
1. Don't put words into other people's mouths. Doing that cause them to immediately write off anything that you might help them to understand.
2. Do make every effort to express their opinion in a way that will cause them to say, "That's it! That is precisely what I believe!" That will always be a wonderful starting point.
3. Don't use convoluted logic, with lots of negatives, etc. Being skilled rhetorically will increase the attentiveness of your hearers.
4. Do use specific scriptural citations to support each of your assertions. Rhetoric alone is not our sure foundation, but rather the Word of God. Be prepared, though, to be a good exegete.
5. Do not cite as your signature, a person who would generally disagree with your position. This will, sadly, put your post into a humorous light, rather than a persuasive one.
6. Do love the Lord, and seek to approach every encounter in the way that He has done. That will mean honoring and loving the truth, the Word, and His redeemed.
7. Do have a good attitude. Join us in loving the truth more than loving a position.
8. Do prepare yourself to instruct. This fits with the other items above, but it is of such singular importance -- in the light of your post -- that I thought it deserved its own point.
God bless you in our continuing struggle to rightly understand all that God has revealed to us!
In Him, Doc
PS I apologize for not taking the time to cite all the Scriptures that articulate the above. I am bushed tonight. Nonetheless, I suspect that you are well enough versed in the Bible to render those up yourself.