Didn't want to turn this to another place for the anti-grace crowd to rant against Calvinism.

(We have a couple here who make me sick just seeing that they posted as they spew their hatred toward the holy and sovereign God I worship)
God loves His elect. God hates the non-elect. The wrath of God already is upon them. But His unconditional love for His elect, from eternity to eternity, paid by the blood of His Son, for my sins to be actually and totally atoned for.
Sorry that my use of "us" and "sinner" (righteous v unrighteous) was confusing. I am a sinner, but always an elect, loved child of God.
So He can love me (I stand before Him robed in Christ's righteousness imputed to me) to the praise of His glorious grace. Those who stand in their own sin, God hates and will righteously damn to hell, to the praise of His glorious justice.