1. Sin has affected every man and every part of man is affected. Man has the ability to do seemingly good things. We are made in the image of God. That image can be reflected even in an unsaved person. However, the unsaved person never does this to please God. He never seeks after God. Why? Because he has no desire to do so. Man sins because he chooses to sin. We choose based on our desires. We are born with a sinful nature. John 8:34, Ephesians 2:1
2. God has elected certain individuals for salvation. This election is not based on anything man has done. It is not based on who would be good or bad, smart or dumb. You don't get saved because of your good sense. You don't get saved because you are smarter than the other guy. You get saved because of a work God does in your heart. No one gets saved without the drawing of God. He must be changed from the inside out.
3. The death of Christ on the cross was sufficient to save every man. Every sin ever committed has had the payment that is required paid. If everyone was saved, nothing more would have had to be done by Jesus. It is sufficient for all. This doesn't mean that everyone will be saved. Only those whose faith is in Jesus Christ can be saved. Only these will have their sins effectually paid for. Sufficient for all, efficient for the elect.
While the death of Christ is abundantly sufficient to expiate the sins of the whole world, its saving efficacy is limited to the elect. - Cannons of Dordt
4. Those that are chosen will come to him. They will do this willingly. Nobody is forced into salvation. In addition, nobody is forced into hell. Whosoever will may come. God will accept anybody that puts their faith in Jesus Christ. He will reject no one that truly puts their faith in Jesus.
5. Those that are born again will be eternally saved. Jesus will lose no one. All that come will never be cast away. They will endure to the end, not because of their own power, but because Jesus Christ will keep us.