I am sure glad that the pastor under whose ministry I sat from c. 1969 - 1972 did NOT follow that line of, shall we say, "reasoning."
I was only about 3 YO in Christ when I was a member of the (Yes, that's right!) IF Baptist Church of which he was pastor. With very few exceptions, he would preach on one book on Sunday AM, another one on Sunday PM, and another one at the Wednesday PM service.
Not only that, but he always had either his Greek NT or his Hebrew OT along side of his English Bible there on the pulpit---"just in case"!
He, along with a couple other church leaders, also conducted a Monday and/or Tuesday PM "Bible Institute" at which interested members paid a nominal fee for textbooks and course outlines for a more in-depth study of major Bible doctrines and/or Bible books.
He even went so far as to offer an introductory-level Greek course to those who felt bold enough to want to delve into that language for themselves. As an incentive, he told us that if a person enrolled in this course, he would guarantee that they would NOT FAIL! ["Yours Truly" received a very low D- .... Hey, he kept his word!!]
Did his approach "kill evangelism"? Not IMHO. We had regular door-to-door visitation (Unless I was "providently hindered," I participated in it.), a thriving bus ministry (As a bus captain, I saw the need of going out "to the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in" [Luke 14:23]---even taking a reduction in pay when my job back then required me to work on Saturdays.), a very active AWANA program, etc.
FOOTNOTE: That church had its first early meetings in a rented set of rooms in that town's local fire hall. Most of that town's prominent figures attended a liberal Lutheran church in town. [This was several years before I joined it; in fact, I wasn't even saved for almost a half dozen years afterward, and that wasn't even anywhere near where this church was located.]
Anyway, these local big-wigs as much as publicly stated that, "Well, they may be meeting in the fire hall, but they'll never amount to anything, nor will they even grow to the point that they will be able to afford their own property on which they can erect their own building!!"
In about a dozen or so years later, the church not only managed to buy property at a rather prime location, broke ground on their SECOND building, and was working on plans for additional expansion so that their ever-growing Christian Day School could more properly house its students!
About that same time, the Lutheran Church that the local "powers-that-be" were attending had to hold some emergency business meetings because funds were so low that the local electric utility company threatened to shut off that church's electricity.
Go figure.