Uh? What is it with starting sentences with the word "uh"?
I've read on BB several times from Calvinists that regeneration frees the 'bondage of the will' and allows one to make free will decisions. Yeah, yeah, I know-- "got a link?" Kind of busy right now, can't be bothered to look.
I'd be curious to see that link to, as, going by thirty years in Reformed theology, you're either misquoting them, they misspoke, one or both of you has an errant understanding of "free will", or they simply don't know Reformed theology, due to being new to the faith or, perhaps, just not very well discipled.
Reformed theology doesn't teach that we suddenly acquire free will upon regeneration, where there was no free will before, but that our will is irretrievably broken and that, with this broken will, we receive a new nature that seeks to serve God, albeit imperfectly, just as our old nature sought to serve our flesh.