What a heavy burden some of you folks are under and carrying around.
I've been attending church for 39 years and must have sung the song, "Trust and Obey" a thousand times. I suppose you folks have done so also.
In reality, the title of this song is backwards. We need to "Obey" first and then we can "Trust". Okay, so how do we Obey?
The first scripture that comes to mind is, "If you love me keep my commandments". In everything we do and everything we say and everything we think should be bounced against that wall of, is this pleasing to the Lord?
Too many of us approach the Word with our preconceived notions and ideas often based on what we heard as children, how perhaps another considered things to be, what some Sunday School Teacher said years ago, what Grandma thought, etc.
To me, we need to approach the Bible with a blank mind and see what the Lord has to say as any of us can make the Scriptures say whatever we want them to say.
Example, I can, with Scripture Religion show you that suicide is permitted. First, Judas went out and hanged himself. Second, "What you do, do quickly."
Obviously the above is way out of context but you get what I'm saying here. To many churches are functioning on what was taught to the pastor back in Bible College or, "This is the way we've always done things" or, our rules are our rules and we ain't gonna bend 'em one iota or, well, my grand pappy used to say, etc.
How many of you realize that just a 150 years ago, in this country, singing in church was considered "VULGAR". Isn't that amazing?
What a burden so many are under and then they wonder why the Lord doesn't bless them and their churches aren't growing.