Newsflash--The objection isn't that Donald Trump talks about it, it's that he participates in it.
Well my objection is Christian defending this kind of talk. I was not shocked at all that Trump said what he did, but even I have been shocked to the degree Christians have defended him.
Since Trump supporters love to compare him to King David I think if this was ancient Israel Trump supporters would be ready to tar and feather Nathan for pointing out David's sin instead of rejoicing that David was called to Repentance.
Defenses I have seen:
It's just locker room talk.
He wasn't even in a locker room.
It was a private conversation.
If you have a Microphone on its not private.
2. It doesn't matter as sin is sin regardless of how public it is.
Everyone says stuff like that:
1. No not everyone does
2. Way to prove feminist talking points
2 wrongs don't make a right
That was 11 years ago
True, but just last week Trump was telling people to watch sex tapes to attack another woman. His low view of women has been on full display the entire campaign.
Women that are out raged had to put down 50 shades.
This women did not, but even if that is true that still does not make it OK
The left is OK with it when it's their own people
True, so how are you different from the left in this regards?
It's just bragging
I would assume guys would brag about how girls can't resist them, not that they had to assult a girl.
I could go on with all the poor Defenses I have seen all from people that claim to be Christians. The world had taken note and it is going to take a long time for the American Church to recover.
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