No, and I would say that nor does the majority of the children that are fed this crap.
“argue anything if it supports me” kinda thing?
I'll let this one pass without a more defensive comment.
Having a picture of Jesus or not having one does not make one holier or not as holy, it does not make one wiser or less wise.
I don't see where this was ever said nor implied by anyone on this thread.
I would say not having and not propagating the image as Jesus would bring one into closer adherence/obedience to the teaching of God concerning "images that are worshiped".
What is true and fact is that making one's personal pet peeve into a test of holiness is childish and serves no godly purpose.
Again, Reverend Mitchell, I nor anyone who has commented thus far has done as you suggest. It was asked for opinion "Sacred or Sacrilege". "Test of Holiness" are your words.
I wonder, if you will, do you have knowledge if the Natives on the reservation where you live, that are "Believers" have any Images of "Jesus" if so, do they "look like Native Americans" or would it be the " blonde hair, blue eyed" guy?
As I wrote earlier:
I recall reading somewhere that average height for first century male Jews was somewhere around 5-foot-8 or so. The image we see of Jesus in paintings is the culmination of a long history of church-driven artwork and, frankly, iconography, depicting Jesus as looking similar to those in power at the time so as to solidify their claim. If the Crusaders had used artwork depicting Jesus as looking rather similar to the same people they were on their way to kill, then the Crusades would've suffered. :smilewinkgrin:
Interesting observation.