Would Adam have been in need of being changed?
What would have had to be changed, first, is Adam's mutability that gave him the capability of choosing to sin to start with, into a state of Immutability, which is a non-communicable Attribution of God, and would have had to "make Adam" into God, which wasn't going to happen.
In order for God to make a man to have companionship and fellowship with also meant that God could not make man Immutable, like God, or make man 'God'.
That's original with me, so how do you like it?, so far.
The reason for man's fall and the Eternal Degree of there being a Satisfaction for sin, the Lamb of God from the foundation of the world is that God Soveigenly chose to Create a being in His likeness and imagine, to enjoy further fellowship and joy with him/them, in addition to that which the Godhead has delighted in, within Themselves, Alaways, from Eternity Past.
God chose to Create Elect and Re-Create some because He, in His Kindness and Everlasting Love, WANTED THEM TO EXPERIENCE COMMUNION TOGETHER WITH HIM AND WANTED THEM TO, ALSO, BE WITH THEM WHERE THEY ARE, FOREVER.
Got it?
God could not a Creature to Cummune with, Eternally, by making them an Immutable God, so God had to create man mutable.
Get it?
By then, creating man as being mutable meant that not only could he sin, but in the eventuality of forever, he would have sinned at some point.
Then, for God to have a created being with which to commune, since he created him mutable, God also had to Provide a Lamb, in The Godhead's Eternal Counsel of the Covenant of Grace.
Now, do you have it?
It's all Him.
I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
Adam was wrapped in the Glory of God, which prevented him from being aware of being naked, and was in a state of righteousness and was already uncorrupted.
His sin brought the Human Race into a state of corruption, as well as, himelf which is what that verse is referring to.
Speculative theology... no solid answers
The main point of our Speculative theology may be, "if Adam had been about to live forever." That is too big an 'if' to kick around too much, so that we may Worship God and Glorify His as our God He has Created and Redeemed, in the ways and things of God He has been pleased to reveal to us in His Word.
The other, we don't know enough to know about that we would know that we don't know and aren't going to know.
If sin had not been, how should the goodness of God, in giving man eternal life in glory, have appeared, his love in sending Christ to die?
The Eternal Spiritual Reality of the Glorification of His Son, Jesus, as our One and Only, True and Living Savior is as much as 'reason' for the sin of Adam as any.
If there had not been sin, there had been no need of Christ's coming, nor of his death and righteousness.
Nor, Glorification of God's Son for His Utterly Successful Accomplishment of His Work of Salvation in the Eternal Covenant of Grace, nor anyone from which to receive Glorification and Worship, who were the recipients of Jesus' Work of Salvation.
God, therefore created man anyway, even though He had to create him mutable and know he would sin.
Then, what happened?
God had Mercy.
God had Mercy on those He created to Love and Determined by His Eternal Counsel and Foreknowledge to select and bring His chosen children to Peace at the cross, in spite of Him being Perfecticly Holy in Absolute Justice.
Praise the Lord God of the Bible and Universe. He did that. God had Mercy on us, so we could be with Him where He is, in Everlasting Communion.
We were saved by and serve an Infinite God of Love and Mercy Who displayed His Almighty Love and Mercy in front of the entire Universe.
Praise, Him, it is all Him, if you see this as some of the most God-Honoring content you have seen posted in so many short words, not me.
Praise Him, no matter what.
He who willeth the end, willeth those things which are necessarily referred to that end; taking away sin was decreed before the world, therefore the being of sin was decreed. — Christ's death was determined before the world, for the end of Christ was to restore Adam's fall: if Adam had not fallen, there had been no need of a Christ to restore him.
False accusations of denial of His sovereignty doesn't justify making God the author of sin.
The Determinant Counsel and Foreknow of God were involved in the crucifiction of Jesus. So, with whatever that means, Adam also, by The Dermenant Counsel and Foreknowledge of God, was permitted to fall. So KenH is not saying that having been 'Decreed', Adam's sin would make Our Sovereign God the author of sin, any more than in the death of Christ.
'Degreed' means whatever, "by the Determinant Counsel and Foreknowlegde of God means.
Saying, "by the Determinant Counsel" is indicative of a determination having being made and that something has actually been determined by God to happen, but that is going to take place in a way in which God can not sin, because that is impossible.
IMHO the "fall," was necessary for, the death, which was necessary for the destruction of the devil.
That too, of course.
Man was the solution to the problem of the Adversary, Satan the devil, who pre existed man and I believe was the sinner before man.
In an indirect, mostly unrelated way.
At that very moment, in time. was the creation in the following state?
for to vanity was the creation made subject -- not of its will, but because of Him who did subject -- in hope, Rom 8:20
The 'creature' and what or who it refers to is not allowed to be said right now.
That's a different thread to make, where they are spoken of in Itilacs in verse 8:23, as
'they", in contrast with,
19 "For the earnest expectation of the
creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
20 "For the
creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected
the same in hope,
21 "Because the
creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22 "For we know that the whole
creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 "And not only
they, but
ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption,
to wit, the redemption of our body."