A Christian, or a Muslim, or someone Jewish should all have the right to refuse to participate and endorse certain activities due to their religious convictions...
I don't get it. Using the cake example, how would you be participating or endorsing gay marriage by baking a cake? You weren't invited to the "wedding". Would such a person only do business with other Christians? Would you bake a cake for a Jewish barmitzvah? How about the Hindu Diwali celebration? Is it okay to bake a cake for that?
Why would we have conviction about doing business with someone who "marrying" someone of the same sex but we don't have the same conviction when the person outright rejects Jesus?
There are Christians who still believe Whites and Blacks shouldn't marry. Is it okay to not bake them a cake because of that?
I have often taken gay people, adulterers, drug addicts, drunks, folks hooked on porn, homeless, etc . out to eat. Am I endorsing something by giving them food?
This just seems to be another excuse for folks to act unChristlike.
I am sick to death that N
NE dares to question muslims about this legislation, as they also hold that gay marriage is an abomination, and would refuse to participate in that!
We're in a country where Christianity is supposed to be the major religion. Be glad that they are questioning the Christians and not the Muslims.
And also looking to see any reporter asking would we also like to force a black american to suport the Klan having a meeting, or a Jewish group catering to meeting of the American Nazi party?
It's a shame that you don't understand the difference between being made to serve people who still view you as less than them and still no better than a slave, and providing a service to someone who just wants to be served.
What about this behavior is of Christ? My goodness. Can the Body of Christ be known for loving people instead of always being in the news for supporting stuff that pushes people away from Christ?