A birthday cake is celebrating a birthday.
The objection, according to some, is the fact that you now know what they do in the bedroom and don't want to be seen as giving approval for that.
They are still gay and still having gay sex when they purchase the birthday cake. Can they order the birthday cake from you after you've told them you won't do a wedding cake?
You've missed the point again. Your constant reference to civil rights, to "if they want to be in business, they should just make the cake"--YOU have yet to address that many religions (not just Christianity) declare engaging in homosexuality to be sin.
And you're completely missing the point that they are purchasing a cake. They aren't trying to purchase your countertops upon which to have homosexual sex.
YOU have yet to address that scripture says we are not to endorse or support sin.
What sin? They are purchasing a cake. What sin are you endorsing or supporting by them purchasing a cake?
YOU have yet to address that the Constitution was written so that the government guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.
Who has asked for freedom from religion?
The one thing you and I agree on is that homosexuals are free to visit other businesses, and let the business that decides to live by Christian values die on its own from lack of business. But again, YOU have yet to address that they'd rather force those businesses to compromise their values, and force them out of business.
Since when is discriminating and being nasty a Christian value? I think the issues are arising here because too many people are confusing their Christian and religious "beliefs" to be the same as God's when they clearly are not.
Frankly, Zaac, you're so full of love that I wonder if you realize that scripture says some people are going to burn in eternity. And worse, I wonder if you're so afraid of offending them you aren't warning them.
Now Don, you know if nothing else I'm always gonna tell you what the word of God says. I can be as full of love till I'm about to explode. But in that same love, I'm still gonna tell you the truth and not mince words about what God says.
Them purchasing a cake or not isn't going to keep them from burning in hell for all eternity.
Them not being offended isn't going to keep them from burning in hell for all eternity.
The Body of Christ has to figure out that you CANNOT point people to Jesus by alienating them and making them feel like you hate them and everything about them.
The Body of Christ has got to figure out that while we're alienating people because of our beliefs, those beliefs are NEVER a reason to discriminate and treat people in a manner that we wouldn't want to be treated.
Is it more important to honor your religious beliefs about something of which God's word hasn't spoken and thereby alienate folks to the point that they will receive nothing of the truth of Christ because of how they have been treated by His supposed representatives, or is it more important to position a relationship with people whereby they can see the love of Christ overflowing out of us?
I have heard so much from so called Christians over the last 30 something years that tells me that a lot of folks would much rather win an argument than they would a soul to the glory of Christ.
I keep saying, and I have for years, that we have created modern day lepers out of these people.
The love of Christ should compel us to treat them the way that we want to be treated.
The love of Christ should compel us to treat them as though we love them. And there is nothing of the love of Christ in discriminating against someone just because they sin.