Thats a piece of cake you sure you don't want to research yourself? John Calvin says its by elect + ELECTION can run By HEREDITY, based on promises are on you AND YOUR CHILDREN.
"4. There is now no difficulty in seeing wherein the two signs agree, and wherein they differ. The promise, in which we have shown that the power of the signs consists, is one in both—viz. the promise of the paternal favour of God, of forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. And the thing figured is one and the same—viz. regeneration. The foundation on which the completion of these things depends is one in both. Wherefore, there is no difference in the internal meaning, from which the whole power and peculiar nature of the sacrament is to be estimated. The only difference which remains is in the external ceremony, which is the least part of it, the chief part consisting in the promise and the thing signified. Hence we may conclude, that everything applicable to circumcision applies also to baptism, excepting always the difference in the visible ceremony. To this analogy and comparison we are led by that rule of the apostle, in which he enjoins us to bring every interpretation of Scripture to the analogy of faith
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Rom. 12:3,
6). And certainly in this matter the truth may almost be felt. For just as circumcision, which was a kind of badge to the Jews, assuring them that they were adopted as the people and family of God, was their first entrance into the Church, while they, in their turn, professed their allegiance to God, so now we are initiated by baptism, so as to be enrolled among his people, and at the same time swear unto his name. Hence it is incontrovertible, that baptism has been substituted for circumcision, and performs the same office." -- John Calvin
See John Calvin has a heredity system if you are elect then so are your children. And regeneration happens IN baptism. So lets say he has a child baptized, that child is going through regeneration at that point.
The ones who believed in believer's baptism The Anabaptist are also unlike you because they had a step up of salvation by works. The very concept of believers baptism is saved by works on the conscience choice of being baptized. They would kick folks out for not acting christian like.
A infant baptism is a better example of being chosen elect not by one's own choice.
Luther is Faith Alone , Calvinist is Election Alone. Luther would say righteousness imputed on you, but never infused with you. He was stuck on since a person always ends up sinning there had to be a way through the despair of always failing would be the success of Christ.
These problems arise from having an attitude of EITHER/OR vs BOTH/AND on the approach to scripture.
So one spot says stop sinning, Another says Jesus covers our sins, you assume you can only do one or the other.
You would probably say, Either you stop sinning or Christ's victory covers your sinful nature in eternity. You can't stop sinning so it has to be Jesus covering our sinful nature. So everything the scripture says about stop sinning we throw in the trash, Jesus has us covered.
We would say, Both you would stop sinning AND Christ's victory. Just because you can't stop sinning now doesn't mean Jesus can't heal you later.