Well-Known Member
What I am about to type, I do not want anyone to misconstrue it to say that I am "holier than thou" because of my change in beliefs, or that I am on a higher plane now.
I had a faulty view in regards to man and God. I thought I had the DoG pegged, I thought I knew what they meant, but in reality, I was not even close. After I saw that when Adam fell, and thusly, his posterity, I began to see things differently. I was able to see all of mankind born dead, and that none, no, not even one, had a desire to come to him, left in their fallen state. I then began to see predestination as a most glorious doctrine, for without it, not even one us who came from Adam's loins would be saved. I began to see that it was God, who when He called, He did so in an effectual manner, and brought us to life to hear the gospel preached in it's power. I have a much deeper appreciation from these DoG's than I ever thought I would.
The Doctrines of Election and Sovereign Grace magnify the Grace of God. If God had not chosen some to salvation no one would be saved!