You think I'm arguing with you. I'm not. I've just commented on a previous statement that Christians would be excommunicated for not volunteering to give their wealth. I used the Anninias story to show that view wasn't true. Because the issue wasn't their volunteering but as you say lieing to get into the good graces of the Apostles and the fellowship. So, the early church volunteered to give to the community freely thus they acted socialisticly. In a socialistic government it is elected by the majority and since the majority is awar of socialism it is volunteering to have elected officials distribute the wealth. Which means the first christians acted in accordance with this tennant though the motivation was different.
The people who didn't vote for it are forced to still participate. As well, the people did not give up their life to live in a socialist society. They did sell to give to the needy and they acted as though they had nothing and they willingly, not under compulsion, gave. Socialism does not give you a choice and makes it so you are under compulsion. That is why socialism is evil.
Next, only in Jerusalem was such acts seen. Christians elsewhere did not feel compelled to repeat that practice.
Finally, the Bible honors, not the living as one, but the sacrificial giving from the heart. With no compulsion, people were seen as generous and compassionate. Socialism is neither generous nor compassionate as it is compulsory.