I remember some 25 years ago, I was discussing the Inspiration of the Bible with my senior manager, who was a born-again Christian. He said that he did not hold to the entire Bible being the Inspired Word of God. After much discussion that was going nowhere, I decided to write to him. I asked him simple one thing. If he held to a limited Inspiration, then how can he be sure which parts of the Bible are Inspired, and which are not. I said, when Jesus says, "you must be born again", and "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life", and His promises of eternal life to those who believe in Him. How can we really be sure that these words are Inspired? He could not answer this. Full Inspiration is the ONLY possibility for any Bible-believing Christian, in the original autographs. God is not able to lie or mislead us, and therefore His Word, the Holy Bible must also reflect His Perfections.