And, of course, the Gospel is wide open to welcome Jewish people. We don't know how many became Christians in the last 1,900 years.
It's not a question of understanding metaphors, but understanding & interpreting Scripture. Peter writes to
"To God’s elect, exiles, scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia," & tells them -
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
He is assuring them that the covenant promise to Israel in Exo. 19 is being fulfilled in them, as a congregation of the redeemed people of God.
All those metaphors which many of us refer to as "spiritual fulfilment of prophecy." But they are not just metaphors, they are real statements of our status as believers in Christ.
Peter declared that Jesus was raised up to sit on David's throne. The LORD was King long before Saul or David. David sat on the LORD's throne.
I haven't discussed Daniel in this thread.
I wrote "'The present spiritual kingdom is a time of God's patience, as he calls out his elect from Israel & the nations.
At his coming at the end of time we will see the ultimate fulfilment of prophecy - the NH&NE.'"
The sweep of the fulfilment of OC prophecy begins with the incarnation of the LORD Jesus, has a climax at Calvary, & is applied from Pentecost onwards.
Jesus has the full status as the triumphant Saviour, King of kings & Lord of lords, reigning from his heaven throne as
all power is given unto me in heaven & in earth.
Yet -
In the present millennium, he is calling his elect out of the corrupt & lost mankind, He is patient, as he calls for repentance & allows sinners a lifetime to repent. That includes allowing sinners to persecute believers, as they did himself. We are in a warfare situation on the victorious side.
At the end of the millennium that warfare will intensify & Jesus will return from heaven to complete his victory by raising the dead believers, transforming the living believers, and destroying Satan & his minions by fire, all on the
day of the LORD.
The judgment will welcome believers into the glory of the NH&NE, while condemning the ungodly to hell, aka the second death, aka the lake of fire.
It's been referred to as a "now & not yet" status, as Jesus has FINISHED all his saving work, but is delaying the final & eternal victory during the present age while he is saving his redeemed people in real time. The final eternal status is the NH&NE.