Don't be ridiculous. Even if it is (which it isn't) this is all sanctioned by Jesus Christ, God Incarnate on this earth. "This is my body" and "this is my blood" he said as recorded in the Holy Writ - case closed!
Now go back to your faux communion with your grape juice and crackers and leave us in peace to practice the Christian faith as we have come to know it.
Unfortunately for you, you must therefore take every word that Jesus ever spoke as completely literal. When Jesus says, I am the vine, Jesus literally is the vine. When he says, I am the shepherd, he literally is a shepherd. When he says we are the sheep, we literally are sheep. We can go on...Is this supposed to be news to me?
I'm sorry this is a hard teaching that is difficult for you to accept. I will follow Christ's Words and teachings, and St. Paul's, and the whole of Christian tradition over your personal interpretation.
Yet, the disciples never took Jesus literally at the last supper. They would have been utterly repulsed by eating flesh and drinking blood. It was forbidden by law. Therefore we know Jesus was not being literal, but being figurative. This also fits perfectly with the Passover symbolism Jesus was presenting.
But, the RCC, ever wanting to tie a noose around it's citizens, created a wonderfully legalistic teaching that would scare all peasants into submission by tying their salvation to communion, which could then be given or withheld by the priests and keep the peasants in line. If they revolted, they also would go to hell because communion would be withheld.
What a brilliant scheme of power hungry men.