Use spell check.
One Catholic apologist, Robert Sungenis, while debating Dr. James White, stated that in Hebrews the offering of Christ is a plurality, denoting more than one sacrifice. White finally called him on it at the end of the debate, and Sungenis denied he stated it ('sacrifice' is plural in reference to Christ in Hebrews 10). Yet, in fact, in defense of the RC mass, he used it to affirm more than one offering of Christ in Hebrews 10, stating it is plural, and did so more than once.
I waited patiently for Dr. White to address this in the debate, and he did not address this until the end of the debate. Sungenis said something like 'I never said that' (frankly a lie) and Dr. White said 'OK' or something like that.
That said the typical RC response will be to deny this as the meaning of the mass, which historically will be proven untrue. Lies, self-deception, cover-ups, denying Scripture, 'traditions' above the Word of God, idolatry, Mariolatry, all are just another day in the life of RC false teaching.
I believe this to be the correct video, although I listened to this debate on The Dividing Line podcast:
Jesus cried that it is accomplished/finished when he died, so that should be the position taken in this discussion, for if he was wrong on that point?