Maybe it's not complicated, but not what you make it out to be.This is not complicated.
Is God the ruler over all creation? Can the created resist and thwart the will of the all-powerful Creator?
That is what being Sovereign means. Having all power, with everything being subject to the all-powerful authority.
So...can the created resist the Creator when the Creator wills something to be so?
My answer
Is your answer no...or yes?
If God is both all-wise and all-powerful, can He not both remain sovereign and allow His subjects to do something besides what He wills?
You might go view my previous thread on "What is "Sovereignty"?", where it was discussed in some detail.
"can the created resist the Creator when the Creator wills something to be so?" No. But that's begging the question. It assumes that irresistible grace is affirmed and argues from there. Instead, consider asking yourself your own question without assuming IG.