All of them are relevant to all of us, but it helps to understand their intent.
Hermeneutics 101 teaches us that we must understand the historical context in which they are written in order to best understand that intent. Knowing that God is in the process of hiding the truths of the gospel from his elect nation of Israel (cutting them off from the tree, ref. to Rom 11, Mk 4; Matt 13), while taking those truths to the Gentiles (grafting them into the tree, ref. to Rom. 11 and Acts 28:28), is significant in discerning the intent of the author who is writing about God drawing some people to Christ and not others, don't you think?
you have yet to prove that there was this "judicial hardening' process going on in isreal, as the jews who refused yeshua were doing what sinners naturalely do, and the Lord continued to harden what they were already doing, like the Pharoah!
the Lord predetermining to use their own natural responses to reject yeshua as messaih, preserved out a chosen remnant, and brought in we gentiles to salvation fold!
Do you hold that ALl the scriptures are equally inspired as the revelation from god, or just parts of them are? or that it becomes the word to us when we have it make sense to us by the Holy sprit, or?