Originally posted by post-it:
All I can think about now since looking up the word is green stone. So now I'm think'in ROCK when I see your name. Please help.
You don't mind if I call you Rocky do you?
Since I had a change of heart on this issue today, I will have to word this right.
Scripture implies first breath is when life enters. We can then assume that whenever a baby takes the first breath, even on a ventilator, at that point it is alive as a person. Since abortion before the baby breaths can't be killing a life according to scripture, as long as a fetus takes no first breath, then it can't be considered killing a person. I'm leaving out what I feel about this since you are asking from the standpoint of what I think scripture is saying.
Ok, on the name thing, look up Revelation 21:20.
On the life thing, here's a situation.
I delivered a woman's baby some years ago, and here's what happened. The baby's head came out, but I held it there because the u-cord was wrapped around the neck. I was able to pull it over so that it wouldn't strangle it on full delivery. Baby hadn't taken a breath yet. Would I have been guilty of murder if I'd "aborted" it then?
Then baby was then fully delivered. It didn't take a breath then either.
At that point if I'd have set it down and left it and it hadn't started to breathe, would it have been murder?
I cleaned out the baby's mouth, rubbed it's back, and finally slapped it once before he took a breath.
At what point was this a child to you?
At extremely early stages of development in utero, babies can feel pain, feel stress, they have a heartbeat, etc.. I encourage you to buy the video "Silent Scream" and watch a child being aborted before you continue in your belief that until they take a first breath, it isn't a child. That video, if I remember correctly, is only at 7 weeks? Also, late-term ones are available.
I've heard many people say that late term abortions are reserved for those whose children are deformed or where it would be dangerous for the pregnancy to continue.
I'd like to state that in my own experiences, I know of cases where this simply isn't true. A friend of mine obtained an abortion at 6 months for convenience purposes. I myself visited an abortion clinic in my teens where they informed me I was 5 months (first week of 5th month), but never commented that it was too late for an abortion or that I'd have to have a medical reason. Instead, I was told there was a 24 hour waiting period, and they gave me preparation instructions and never once stated that the procedure could be dangerous or give any information on how developed the child would be. The planned method was that they would use seaweed for dilation, inject a fatal solution of some type of salt? that the baby would ingest, be poisoned slowly and then pulled out. The babies aborted in this method come out usually with burned looking skin from the solution, and fully perfect little humans. Sometimes they haven't died completely, and struggle for breath. Are they then humans?
BTW, I walked into the room, saw the ultrasound screen from the woman before me and the pic of her baby, and knew right then I couldn't do it and walked out, saying I'd be back the next day. On the second floor exit the security guard stopped me and said they wanted to talk to me, so I went back up. They informed me that they needed to do another test, they had one negative test and since the lab had thought they were all positive, they hadn't marked names. Mine turned out to be that negative test. Thank God, because my boyfriend then was set on it and I don't know that he wouldn't have talked me back into going. I was afraid, I was ignorant, and you know what? I had always been against abortion. I walked in knowing full well before I ever saw that ultrasound pic that it was murder, but I chose it because my boyfriend wanted it and because it was the easier way out for me. And I believe that a lot of people who have abortions feel the same way.
No matter what excuses are made, when you have sex and that sex results in a pregnancy, that is another life. That is how God created people and animals...to produce more life. We are allowed to end animal life, and even guidelines on how to kill animals were given so as not to cause them undue pain. Human lives, babies, call them fetuses if you must, aren't even given this much regard. They are ripped into pieces, or burned, poinsoned, with doctors having the full knowledge that they have a hearbeat and feel pain.
It's just wrong.