Originally posted by post-it:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Alex:
World wake up...abortion from any stage OR reason is MURDER in the FIRST DEGREE!
Well if it is murder, once the laws reflect that, then be prepared to sentence about 1-2 million girl and women to life terms in jail. Because Helen posted 210,000 illegal abortions in a very conservative year of 1961. That number now should be well above the million mark if it is outlawed again.
You are saying that women as a collective are more vicious murders in all of history that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tsu Tung combined murdered a small number in comparison to the women.
I believe just the opposite.</font>[/QUOTE]I said it was MURDER, period. Is that hard to understand? However, I am speaking from a bibical standpoint about God's creation and the killing off of His creation. Yes, makes sense to me that it is women who have abortions!

Liberal(for the most part) are onlt 10 cents away from the 80 per cent or so of the non-Christian world in their thinking. Most women who do this are poor, non-Christian women who feel they have no other choice. It is the lowly man who get these youngersters pregnant and then run.He is just as guilty if this baby is killed. But the real blame should be on parents who let the gutters raise their children not to mention the lack of any form of Christianity at home. BOY, was I raised to honor women and at 65 I still open doors and walk on the car side of a sidewalk. Bet kids and youg adults do not know what this means, but you do! Remember, God does not let igornance be an excuse for murder. But of course, abortion is self defense!
What difference is it to kill a day old baby as opposed to one that is two months from being born? You claim to be a Christian yet you stand up for abortion??

My Jesus scenario should answer this to all who were in dought UNLESS THEY/YOU want to say it would have been ok to abort Jesus as He wasn't yet a human at conception OR is it that this only applies to Jesus but the H..K with other babies. Still
God Bless.............Alex