This idea of paying cash for medical services is great for the routine stuff and low level illnesses. Physical exams, strep throat cultures, basic digestive function troubles, flu shots, etc. I wish there was more cash payment for doctors, if it lowered my premiums for insurance.
But get into an car accident, get diagnosed with a disease, need prescription meds, well, you're going to run out of money in a hurry without insurance.
My doctor has me on Xarelto, a blood thinner, as a stroke preventative medicine. It's $50 a month by using my health insurance prescription meds coverage. I see in Canadian pharmacies, which are much, much lower than U.S. prices, Xarelto is $440 a month! So I'm imagining it's about $800 to $1,000 a month if paying cash in the U.S.
So, consider needing to find $800 a month in cash for prescriptions. Kind of makes sense to be on health insurance for, what, $500 a month?