Healthcare costs have been skyrocketing ever since all those technological advances in medicine early last century. All of a sudden, all these diseases (polio, diphtheria, etc) became treatable and then it went from there. Insurance companies came along and started offering these health plans but at retirement age, they were very expensive and those people were the ones that actually needed healthcare. Thus, Medicare was born in the US.
Truman tried to get single-payer through but the AMA threw a fit. Medicaid is a totally different thing, it came along back when Medicare did but the states have always had an opt-out/experimental feature to Medicaid, unlike Medicare.
Come to think of it, Obamacare does have actually fascist elements to it, it's just a marriage of insurance and government. It has proven to be a huge disappointment, but even states like Vermont can't play around with single-payer because the costs are at least double for the entire state's budget. And when you push it by some ballot initiative (Colorado 69, Oregon 23), it goes down in flames.
If you take enough mathematics, you realize that some problems have no solution. Maybe keep Medicare/Medicaid, do some tort reform, issue vouchers? Also need to rein in private insurance companies, they are making a killing with Obamacare and before that.