Good View!
It's this in a nutshell. After spending time over the holidays last year visiting aunts and uncles that we hadn't seen in some time, we both noticed a lot of underlying racism in our own families. I asked my wife on the way home just what it would take for that casual racism to die out and she told me, "only our kids can save us." She was exactly right. Race relations will get better with every subsequent generation. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE! I watched my 7 year old play at the pool this summer. She was playing with another white girl and when a black family arrived my daughter and her friend wasted no time in inviting the black girl to play with them. They didn't bat an eye or show any reaction to skin color. This is because they haven't been corrupted by outdated views. The only thing that will cure racism is time.
It is exactly this social interaction between the children who have brought an end to a lot of bigotry, racism, and while I hate to say this, homophobia!
As you see, UoT, there is good and bad, but you are correct in your thoughts, our children and their children will make the difference.
I have never had a problem with other races. I do not feel superior or inferior to other races. My, now passed aunts and uncles, were, sad to say, and I think leaving Detrit at age nine helped me to see more mixing of races in California, and it made for a more open mind!
However, and there's always going to be a, however! I believe in the laws of this country, state and local areas to be followed/obeyed. And when I see those laws broken or ignored, I do speak my mind about the law breaker or group breaking the laws.
With that said, a lot of folks try to call me a racist when I speak out against, let's say, the Black Panthers. Or, RAZA. Or, those skin-heads, and motorcycle groups which are predominatly white.
The problem in this society is, a person is considered homophobic, racist, etc., when they voice opposition against law breakers and people who take advantage of society or other people, and usually, the group of persons will have a skin color, and that is when those looking to jump on you, pounce.
That problem may never leave society. Even with the children leading the way! Some groups do not take well to having others critize members within their race that are anti-social, and that is a shame!
We all know that our country has pockets of people and neighborhoods that one could call "white trash," Barrios, or ghettos! And when a person of another color says addresses those problems, we are called racists! Pity, because it isn't racism, at least from where I stand.
Tell your wife, she is spot on. Truthfully, the hope for the nation and the world are in the hands and hearts of all the children! Shalom!