The United States of America is the best nation to date in the history of man. For all its faults, we have an exceptional form of government, freedom, liberty, a Bill of Rights unparalleled anywhere else, and a vastly superior opportunity to pursue our dreams. He have the right to worship as we please, and it is protected by the Constititution. Some mentioned they have never traveled outside the United States. I have, to some destitute countries. Our poorest citizens are better off than the middle class and some considered rich in other nations.
As part of everyone's freedom, one has the right to choose whether to serve or not. Back in the 1960s, that right did not exist. I also have my right to an opinion. It seems to me, that those who post thread after thread about things wrong with this nation, such as the most recent fad, General Petraeus, that hundreds of thousands were out serving, some in foreign lands, risking their lives, and seperated from their families, while others were at college having a good old time, or in seminary in the safety of a campus pursuing their career.
I would really like to know, what gives anyone who did not serve the right to criticize anyone who did, such as General Petraeus, when they contributed nothing to the freedom and liberty of this nation. It mimics all of those who criticized Billy Graham, and probably they could count the people they have told about the Lord on two hands. Someone was out dying, being wounded, and defending freedom while others were learning Greek and Hebrew so they could put brilliant posts on Baptist Board.
Another thing one gets tired of hearing is how much the military is getting paid, and military retirement pay, and the burden on the US taxpayer. If one is a pastor, one is depending on the earnings of others on the membership roll to earn a living. Instead of gripeing about raising taxes to cover the cost of defending the nation, one preaches sermons about tithing and robbing God when the church revenue falls. Christian pastors in Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet states are concerned about their jobs, their families, and their very lives to preach the Gospel. Here, pastors are worried about Calvinism, Bible versions, if the air conditioner works, and the next pot luck.
The United States of America is the greatest nation ever. If you do not agree, I believe there are 187 different independent nations that one can become a citizen of.