I'm with you. I'm not sure where the phrase "I invite Jesus into my heart," or for that matter "I accept Jesus as my personal Savior," comes from. I'm afraid, in a lot of cases they are just terms people mumble.
I'm glad that you truly do see that God chooses us, we do not choose God.
Repent and be baptized. Yes!!! Praise God for giving me the grace to understand that I need to repent, that I have something to repent about. Just think!!! Here we are just bopping around doing our thing, and then, by a mighty act of a Sovereign God, he REGENERATES us. Now, kind of like the wind that blows and we know not where it comes from, we seem different. Wow, we ARE different. The things of God are now IMPORTANT to us. We start to understand. We may even walk down to the front of the church and take the preacher's hand. But, the important event has already taken place. God chose us, He gave us a free gift, He put the desire for the things of God into us, He justifies us by faith -- another free gift --and we are now children of God, chosen by Him before the foundation of the world to be conformed to HIS SON. Wow, what a awesome God we serve. Thank you God for creating me, thank you Jesus for redeeming me and thank you Holy Spirit for continuing to sanctify me.
Sorry, didn't mean to get all carried away with this, but I never stop being amazed by the total, unmerited grace of God to HIS people.
I hope you are having a great day