When two do not agree, they both cannot be right. They could both be wrong.
What is the standard? The holy fathers and post Reformation commentators are all in the same category: subject to human error from their depravity. Yep, Augustine and Chauvin were not infallible. They were also pedobaptists.
Why do many insist on putting extraneous biblical doctrine on the same level as the whole counsel of the infallible Word of God?
The fact that Jon Chauvin, aka John Calvin, was a pedobaptist, a practice he got from his childhood religion, should tell us he is not worthy of a pedestal.
There is only one worthy-- we crucified Him.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Bro. James
NONE here put him on the Cross, ONLY jesus qualifies for that!
NONE have him an Apostle either!