That is pure eisegesis.
Calvinists rely upon eisegesis, and so charge others with their malfeasance, which in the propaganda world is called inoculation.
In order for the concept not to be in the passage, then we are left with the questionable premise that we seek God when we are sinning.The idea in the text is not that no one seeks God while they are sinning. That is absolutely NO WHERE in that text. That is the epitome of sloppy bible study.
No, wrong again. The idea is everyone sins and therefore we are all under sin. Note Romans 3:9, Paul says Jews and Gentiles are under sin. This is his premise. Then he sets out to prove it is true by citing scripture. As it is written:... Then Paul presents Psalm 14:1-3 demonstrating that folks who reject God have sinned and therefore are under the sin. After presenting two more evidences of wrongdoing, Paul restates his point that everyone is accountable to God. If we break one point of the Law, we have broken the whole law.The idea is that no one seeks God because everyone is a sinner.
Note the repeat the the claim that no one seeks God, means no one seeks God "at any time." Eisegesis pure and simple. Matthew 13 has 3 of the 4 soils seeking God, i.e receiving the gospel with joy.While men are nothing more than sinners, they do not ever seek God.
Yet another repeat of the fiction, we have Romans 9:30-33 where folks seek God through works and others through faith. We have Matthew 13. And we have Matthew 23:13.The new nature, battling the old nature, DOES seek after God...But until a man is born from above he does not seek God at all- period.
More eisegesis. Does this verse say all things or some things? Calvinists claim all things, pouring their doctrine into the text. But if we keep reading the passage (1Cor. 2:14-3:3) we see that Paul said he had to speak to believers as "men of flesh" for they were only able to receive "milk" but not meat. Thus, back in Corinthians 2:14, Paul is teaching that the natural man does not receive the things (spiritual meat) of the Spirit of God.The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God.
Here again (Romans 8:7) we have Calvinisms eisegesis. What Paul is teaching is if we have our mind set on the flesh, i.e. fleshly desires, then we will not subject ourselves to the law of God, nor with our mind set on fleshly desires are we able to submit to God. So yet again we have Paul teaching about behavior and the Calvinist claiming it is a fixed condition compelled by God. Eisegesis !01The carnal mind is enmity with God and is not subject to the law of God NEITHER INDEED CAN IT BE.
Our hearts are wicked, no doubt about it, but we are able to seek God and His righteousness.
Calvinists love to quote Genesis 6:6 out of context, but look down to Genesis 6:8 where Noah tries to live according to God's purpose. Picking and choosing a verse here and a verse there, they mutilate scripture and present false doctrine.
The anti-Calvinist mutilates the Bible in his relentless pursuit to resist the Doctrines of Grace.
More inoculation, more fiction, more misdirection.