Originally posted by KenH:
1. He's the president, not a preacher. He is to be the president of all people. Would you have the same problem is he stated that Jews and Christians worship the same God? After all, the Jews don't worship the God of the Bible since they don't worship Jesus Christ Who is God.
2. I disagree vehemently with the president on this but there is room for honest disagreement on this issue within reason.
3. I agree totally with the president on this issue. I don't see what this has to be with being a Christian as it is a policy issue, not a soteriological issue.
4. I thought the First Lady's remarks were funny as well and I am a Christian.
5. You are bearing false witness. See the bottom of page 3 of:
Also, you have offered no proof to back up your claim.
Also, you need to learn that in public debate to bring up the "fascist" or "Nazi" or "Hitler" perjorative is to automatically lose the debate.
Bush Unworthy of the Christian Vote
Reed R. Heustis, Jr.
October 29, AD 2004
I couldn't believe my own ears when I heard it myself. Goosebumps riddled my body, and my blood curdled. Earlier this week on ABC News, our "Christian" President George W. Bush proclaimed in front of a national audience that Christians and Muslims worship "the same god". (To see and view the interview online, please visit:
Bush also said that Muslims and non-Christians both go to heaven because "we have different routes of getting there."
These statements are utter rejections of the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Said Christ, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) No genuine Christian would ever proclaim that Muslims and Christians worship the same deity.
The Book of John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:1-3)
This is a clear reference to the Creator God. Later in the same chapter it is revealed, "the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," which is a reference to the Creator God taking on human shape in the form of Jesus Christ.
This begs the question, If Muslims worship the same "Creator God", then how can Muslims logically reject Christ's deity?
It just cannot be said by any stretch of the imagination, unless you're a President attempting to bamboozle Christian voters yet again, that Muslims and Christians worship the same god.
Mere disagreements on peripheral issues are acceptable. Some Christians believe in infant baptism, while others do not. Many differ in their views of "end times" theology. Some embrace "charismatic" means of worship, while others abide by regulative principles. These issues and others are non-essential in that honest disagreements may occur even amongst saved Bible-believing Christians.
However, essential Christian doctrine can never be compromised!
The deity of Jesus Christ is essential, and President Bush not only compromised on this doctrine, but he embraced the demonic view of Universalism, the false belief that all roads lead to God.