Name another other than his message on the above referenced one. You will come up empty.
It is not my practice to read Spurgeon sermons, but I have read a few over the years. I like Warrant of Faith:
I especially like this statement in this sermon which is very anti- Calvinist
Charles Spurgeon said:
If I am to preach faith in Christ to a man who is regenerated, then the man, being regenerated, is saved already, and it is an unnecessary and ridiculous thing for me to preach Christ to him, and bid him to believe in order to be saved when he is saved already, being regenerate.
I have in fact quoted this passage several times to show that Spurgeon believed faith precedes regeneration. Actually, Spurgeon believed they happened at the same moment, but Spurgeon did not believe regeneration precedes faith. This is far more in agreement with non-Cal or Arminian theology than Reformed/Calvinism.
I have read a few other statements by Spurgeon I liked as well, but I would have to search to find them.
Right now I will not rehash a Cal vs. Arminian argument. But since you mention this passage..."not willing that any should perish" literally means not willing that anyone should die. But that is not the intended meaning. The real meaning is that the folks in question will not expreience the Second Death --not just their natural death.
Not quite sure what you are trying to say, it is appointed unto men once to die, then the judgment. So, it is certainly not speaking of the first death, everybody understands that.
Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Obviously when the scriptures say God is not willing that any should perish, it is speaking of the second death.
There is no need,but one is silly not to consult the writings of established exegetes of the Word of God. I answered you plainly enough. No need to repeat my point.
Only if your "established exegetes" are properly interpreting scripture. If they teach error, then it is worse than silly to study them. The scripture warns of false teachers, they are out there you know. And I would propose that those who teach Calvinism are false teachers. I have shown MANY scriptures that easily refute Calvinism in the last few years. Calvinism is so far out in right field it is not even in the parking lot.
Many? I would say a distinct minority.
Really? Google Pink and hyper Calvinist and literally dozens of articles will pop up, most written by fellow Calvinists.
Arthur Pink's early writings reflected the highest of high-Calvinist opinion. Some have suggested that Pink was flirting with (or even embraced) a kind of hyper-Calvinism. Certain hyper-Calvinist tendencies certainly marred some of his earlier works. For example, Pink's well-known and mostly helpful book on the sovereignty of God originally included material (later edited out of the Banner of Truth edition) denying that God loves all His creatures—particularly the reprobate. According to Pink, God's hatred for non-elect sinners allows for no disposition toward them that can properly be called "love."
Here is where your lack of discernment is way off the charts. The Outside the Camp folks make hyper-Calvinists look like semi-Pelagians in comparison.
My discernment? Outside the Camp are simply consistent Calvinists. In some respects I have a lot of respect for that site. They are gutsy, they stand firm and strong for Calvinism. It is full blown error, but at least they are going down in flames. That is far better than luke-warm Calvinists.
Can't you read? You had said :"And I've never seen a Calvinist admit he is inconsistent." I replied :"And have you ever admitted that you are?" Then you come back with the inane remark that "You I can honestly say I have never admitted to being a Calvinist of any kind." You aren't too bright there.
I understood what you were asking, and it was actually a very clever answer and you KNOW it. :thumbs:
You asked the question -- I gave the answer.
Yes, you are a REAL Calvinist. You are the standard all others should be judged by. Got it.
Yes I am elect. You don't believe you are? The Scripture enjoins us to examine ourselves to determine that our calling and election are genuine.
Oh, I know I am elect, because I believe Jesus died for
all men. That means ME.
You don't believe Jesus died for all men, you have no idea who is elect or not. Calvinists say this
all the time. If you do not know if others are elect, then you do not know you are elect either.
Just because you have convinced yourself you are elect doesn't make it so. Your faith does not determine reality. You could believe a glass of poison is simply water and safe to drink, and it will kill you if you drink it.
This is common with Calvinists, you believe that if you believe you are elect that it must be so. That is total nonsense, Jesus either died for you personally or he did not, no matter what you personally believe.
I don't have that problem, Jesus died for ALL MEN. That puts my name on the list.
Any true believer in the Lord is elect. One can't be saved yet non-elect. The Scripture would be against you on that as it is against many of your beliefs.
Not if Limited Atonement is true. If Jesus did not die for you personally, it doesn't matter what you believe, your faith is vain.
You are doing the very thing you accuse Arminians of, you are choosing yourself. But if Calvinism is true, you are only elect if God chose you, and you have no idea whom he chose, including yourself.
You are trying to have your cake and eat it too, it won't work.