The hatemongers are more to be found on the side of those promoting such sins. I like what John Piper has to say on the subject:
Therefore, it would contradict love and contradict the gospel of Jesus to approve homosexual practice, whether by silence, or by endorsing so-called same-sex marriage, or by affirming the Christian ordination of practicing homosexuals.
We must not be intimidated here. The world is going to say the opposite of what is true here. So you need to be ready for this if you haven't experienced it already. They are going to say that warning people who practice homosexual intercourse about final judgment is hateful. That's what they are going to say. It is not hateful.
Hate does not want people to be saved. Hate does not want people to join the family. Hate wants to destroy. And sin does destroy. If homosexual practice (and greed and idolatry and reviling and drunkenness) leads to exclusion from the kingdom of God, then love warns. Love pleads. Love comes alongside and does everything it can to see that this person live — forever. That's what love does.