Ladies and gentlemen: Here we have a man that hasn't been to church in years (decades?) pontificating as an expert on their motivations for holding services and commenting on proper behavior for attendees.. Quite ironic.
Ladies and gentlemen,
What makes a Christian a
God's work
on the heart, or our "attending worship services" in a building supported by "tithes and offerings"?
God's having saved someone, or the way they dress and act on Sundays?
What's more important...
"Going to church", or having a relationship with the living God for all eternity?
Only a changed heart that leads to true repentance and the comfort of the Holy Spirit are what matters, at least to me.
No amount of "going to church" and dressing up will ever replace knowing that God loves me, and that my sins are forgiven for His mercy's sake.
Gathering together with those to whom God has shown His mercy, is something that I enjoy...
But what I don't enjoy is someone telling me that that is wrong, and that I have to do it the "institutional way", or it's not the right way.
As I recall, we've discussed this in another thread...
What is a church?
The building, or the people?
What it seems you're completely missing,
@InTheLight, is WHY people gather together under one roof to glorify God:
Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Have you forgotten this, sir?
Have you forgotten what he did for you, and what it cost Him?
I truly hope not.
He's the only reason you can say that you are saved from God's eternal wrath, isn't He?
He is for me.
Assembling together has its place, and it is for building one another up in the faith...
Not for making a religious show of things.
That is what I am advocating...
Not making a "pageantry" of it all, and simply gathering together under one roof to do what He wants us to do...
Love and support one another with the truth of His word, and meet each other's earthly needs with the resources that we have.
Why does that seem so strange to you, sir?