Your statement is a little racist, but true to form!
Note that I am not talking about abuse. But spanking. I don't think this is anything unique to Southern Blacks. Southern Whites, Northern Blacks and Northern Whites all used to "whip" their children with switches, belts, etc. Gosh we used to get paddled when I was in school.
Perhaps this "you can't whip them" attitude is part of the reason why kids are out of control. Too much government intervention in parents simply disciplining their kids.
While I don't know the details of the Adrian Peterson story, I just don't have a problem with a parent DISCIPLINING THEIR child.
I can't think of a time that I got a "whippin"(in my best Southern dialect) from my parents or my grandparents that it didn't leave a welt or a raised mark. They weren't supposed to be soft.
But if welts are the criteria, Charles is right. Just about everyone in the South and the North too who ever used a switch or belt on their child would be in jail.
This seems to be more of the enemies work to destroy the family by taking away something God says that parents are to do.
I hate to always be pulling or drawing from experience, but experience is earned, and it should be shared!
As a Social Worker with State of Californian Licensing, we had maybe twenty complaints from day-care providers for having parents who caused injuries to the children through discipline.
By injury, I mean severe bruising and cuts. The bruising was almost always on the butt, legs, and lower back, but the licensed provider was mandated, as was I, to report suspected abuses.
Investigating these cases each year always turned up the same excuse. It was usually, 90% of the time, a black family. And in talking with the parents, I heard they same thing, "Well, I was only doing what my mama or daddy did to me as a child, and what my grandparents, my mom and daddy's parents did to them, as children!"
Knowing we'd hear the same excuse each time, made the investigation just a tad easier, but it still had to be turned over to the local social services, child abuse workers to do the in-depth investigation of whether this was abuse or just a parent exercising their parental rights?
It usually took a month to hear back from the county DPSS, and in each case, and I can't remember any variance from this conclusion, the DPSS worker and supervisor, after interviewing the parent, the kid and other family members, neighbors, etc., the parents were cited for excessive discipline and sent to parenting classes!
Look, I saw the results of these "whooping" and they were excessive. I felt that regardless of a parent doing what they had done to them, there are newer and better ways to deal with the discipline of your children. Leaving cuts, scabs, welts and bruising, is excessive!
I can't remember, in 14 years, any of these parents losing custody. They always got their hands slapped and placed in a diversionary program to give them more appropriate parenting skills!
So while I feel Zaac is borderline racist with his comments, the facts bear out that most of your middle or lower class families mete out this brand of discipline.
As a parent, I can't agree with hurting your children, physically or emotionally. I have seen more positive parenting skills taught and learned and applied, and believe today's parents do not need to use that which they were getting as a kid to raise a good, responsible kid! In fact, quite the opposite, these kids who are physically and emotionally abused will turn out like their parents, and abuse their kids too, and even be physical when dealing with their peers and public as a whole!
Responsible kids are not beaten into submission. They can be loved and taught the right from wrong, and grow up to be nonviolent as adults! IMHO, as a paent and professional in child care, and parenting and counseling, I think the time for beating your kids have come and gone! :tear: My experience in this subject is extensive, and I spent four years running five different Parents Anonymous Groups! I feel well versed in abuse and alternatives, and I believe we should try new and distinctive methods to reading the kids! Rasing the kids by the book is not a bad thing, but if all else fails, then you can resort to the book, being used on the rearend, to make a point, once in a while!