Was Grover Cleveland, a Democrat, removed from office because he not only raped a woman, but she got pregnant due to that rape. And what did the Democrats do? The elected him President, twice!
What about Lyndon Johnson, also a Democrat. Was he removed from office due to several incidents of indecent exposure and flashing both men and women? Nope. He was elected Vice President, then finished out JFK's term then was elected to a 4 year term of his own.
For starters, there is absolutely NO evidence that the Judge did what this Democrat activist has alleged. In fact her story is so full of holes that nobody with any intelligence would believe it. She can't remember when. She can't remember where. She can't remember who, other than the Judge. She never reported it to the authorities. In fact she never reported it to anybody. And the one woman who said she told her got the details so wrong she withdrew her statement and said she had no first hand knowledge of the incident.
When are the American voters going to wake up and reject the politics of personal destruction. I can think of few things that are more anti-American!