Well-Known Member
I think the FBI ran a background check and reported to the Senate on any findings of criminal past for the Senate to question the Candidate about. So handing the letter to the FBI in June would have given the FBI time to investigate, fact check and the Senators to ask the Candidate directly about it when he was being questioned by the Senate. By withholding the letter until now, there was no opportunity for the FBI to confirm or disprove allegations before the candidate spoke to the Senate.And what's with that thing about giving a letter about the alleged incident to the FBI? Even if a crime occurred, (1) it would be local and not federal; (2) it was just a letter, not evidence; (3) any statute of limitations would be long over. Grandstanding!
Had the letter been presented to the FBI immediately, the investigation would be over already instead of the Senate discussing a postponement on the vote. It cannot be charged as a crime at this point (35 years after the fact), but if asked at the Senate hearing, then lying to the Senate would have been a crime. So the withholding of the letter from the FBI turned a possible legal matter into a 100% political matter.