I want to be a Vincentian. Where do I take the test?
The Word of God has always been the only standard for Faith and Practice. The traditions of men are exactly that--subject to every wind of doctrine. Israel had a tradition problem--it probably caused them to reject Jesus as Messiah. Many so-called churches have tradition problems. "In vain ye do worship, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Jesus, circa A.D. 30. See also Mt. 7 where Jesus said: "Depart from me, I never knew you." These folk certainly appeared to be religious.
The successful propagation of a lie for 1600 years does not make it true.
That is all the rejoindering I have for today.
Bro. James
The Word of God has always been the only standard for Faith and Practice. The traditions of men are exactly that--subject to every wind of doctrine. Israel had a tradition problem--it probably caused them to reject Jesus as Messiah. Many so-called churches have tradition problems. "In vain ye do worship, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Jesus, circa A.D. 30. See also Mt. 7 where Jesus said: "Depart from me, I never knew you." These folk certainly appeared to be religious.
The successful propagation of a lie for 1600 years does not make it true.
That is all the rejoindering I have for today.
Bro. James
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