Ha! Popes flipped on the deity of Christ!The Pope is only infallible dealing with our Lord's Teaching. Why is it you can not understand the difference between "infallibility" and impeccability " The Pope makes mistakes just as we do, the Pope tells us he is a sinner just as you and I are sinners. For the past 2000 years the Pope has not ever been able to change any Doctrine of the Church, because it is impossible for him to do that, because it is of God Church, and the Gates of Hell shall never be able to destroy God's Doctrines found only in His Church. A most recent doctrine that was changed by all of the other non-Catholic Christian churches happened in 1930 A.D. with the acceptance of contraception, only the Catholic Apostolic Church never accepted it because God's Church teaches that it is wrong so it never changed it's stance. I can not picture Jesus handing out contraceptives outside a high school, can you ?
Changed the sacraments. Added vernation of the saints, made doctrines up about Mary(guess that would original and not a change.) During the crusades they promised salvation for those who died in battle ...clearly salvation by works.....this could go on and on.