This thread seems to have diverted into a discussion of the shortcomings of Catholicism as well as commentary on John MacArthur vs. N. T. Wright. Let's get back to the Church of Christ for a bit. One misconception is that they are KJVO. They are not. I go to a Church of Christ in my town about once a year and I have never heard them read from the King James Bible. Like Baptists, they are very diverse in their choice of Bible translations.
Another thing, someone implied they are insular and exclusive. That may be true of some of the smaller congregations but the ones I am familiar with are open and welcoming. They also practice open communion.
As for whether they are a denomination, they are clearly just as much of a denomination as Southern Baptists, American Baptists, Reformed Baptists, etc. They have their own publishing house, Gospel Advocate in Nashville. They have a number of colleges and universities, the most prominent one in our area being David Lipscomb University in Nashville. They even have their own seminary, Sunset International Bible Institute in Lubbock, Texas. Yes, I know many of you don't regard "Baptist" as a denomination and that's OK. You can set yourself apart from Catholics and mainline Protestants by saying that fiction but, hey, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck.