Yep. It can be orthodox and unbiblical. But not a lie.Then it is a lie, and a denial of written word of God.
Not the issue.
There remains the three views of the "eternal" Son of God.
That said, I view your denial that the Word is eternal to be unbiblical. I'm not saying you ate lying, just that you hold an unbiblical doctrine.
John 1 says that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was God and the Word was with God.
In your belief, how exactly did Jesus' relationship in the Trinity change when He ceased being the Word and became the Son of God?
How did God send His Son into the World if no Son existed to be sent into the World?
Now, if you want to say that Eternal Generation is unbiblical then you need to PROVE it unbiblical. You have not even come close to doing so.
As for me, I think I'll stick to traditional Christianity and continue believing in the eternal Word, the eternal Son of God and an immutable God in three Persons.