Heretic Hunter
Active Member
That's a solid statement I agree with!Well, Andrew Sluder, an avid IFB’Er, stated if a pastor preaches from the Greek and not a KJV, run from that church.
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That's a solid statement I agree with!Well, Andrew Sluder, an avid IFB’Er, stated if a pastor preaches from the Greek and not a KJV, run from that church.
That's a solid statement I agree with!
- David What I mean is that if the English of the King James Bible doesn't evoke the point you are trying to make, your point is WRONG. Only an ignorant person doesn't realize that you can tamper with the translation of the scriptures to MAKE them say whatever you want.
The fact is, once one crosses the line from reverence for and trembling at God's words, to adjusting/changing them to fit one's ideas, one cannot be corrected by the Bible, because the Bible is no longer the authority - one's opinion of what the Bible "should" say has become the authority
Which "Greek"?
There are many.
I heard about you on Christian Radio.
Critique Of Author Rick Norris, The Unbound Scriptures, KJVOnly - Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums
There was a Baptist that spoke about Rick Norris on the Radio, and revealed things about the Author of The Unbound Scriptures.Oh yeah I heard that too just wasn’t realizing this was the Guy .
There was a Baptist that spoke about Rick Norris on the Radio, and revealed things about the Author of The Unbound Scriptures.
The Baptist that spoke on Christian Radio brought attention to the man that is notorious for attacking Christians that believe God and what is written in The Holy Bible.Are you trying to attack or accuse a person rather than discussing ideas or doctrines?
The Baptist that spoke on Christian Radio brought attention to the man that is notorious for attacking Christians that believe God and what is written in The Holy Bible.
Perhaps that man got it right.That unproven allegation would be misleading and even false since I do not attack Christians for believing God and what is written in the Holy Bible. Perhaps that person has it backwards since KJV-only advocates may be the ones attacking believers for believing God and what is written in the Scriptures when they disagree with KJV-only opinions of men.
The modern, non-scriptural KJV-only theory is not written in the Scriptures including in a Bible translation [the KJV], and it has not been demonstrated to be believing what God stated in the Scriptures.
Without The Holy Bible, what do you have? Can there be a Church without The Holy Bible? Can there be Sunday School without The Holy Bible? Can the false prophets be exposed and refuted without The Holy Bible?
Is all of what you wrote, in the quoted post, your own opinion? Opinion is not fact. That is a man made term with a man made definition. When was the term and definition made and by which man? Can the term and definition be found in a Dictionary, Commentary, or any other book written by the man that coined such a preposterous term and definition to sew disunity, discord, and division among Believers in the Church? I dare say that such a man was not a godly man!Since the KJV is an English translation, the term KJV-only view would be used soundly and correctly to describe a certain viewpoint/teaching concerning English Bible translations, not concerning Bible translations in other languages. The accurate term KJV-only is used to define and describe any view that accepts or makes some type of exclusive, only claims for one English Bible translation—the KJV.
Holders of a KJV-only view would in effect attempt to suggest, assume, or claim that the KJV is the word of God in English in some different sense than any other English translation is the word of God in English. While perhaps admitting the fact that the KJV is a translation, holders of a KJV-only view attempt in effect to treat the KJV as though it is in a different category than all other English translations or as though it is not a translation in the same sense (univocally) as other English Bibles. It is not reading only the KJV that would be considered to constitute a KJV-only view. It is not using only the KJV in teaching or preaching that would be considered to constitute a KJV-only view.
A KJV-only view would concern a person’s beliefs, opinions, and claims concerning the KJV, not his reading only it or using only it in teaching or preaching. Those who advocate KJV-only opinions would be accurately described as being KJV-only advocates.
Since non-scriptural KJV-only opinions or claims are not written or taught in the Bible, how can those KJV-only claims be accurately described as "Bible-believing"?
Perhaps that man got it right.
Opinion is not fact.
You have failed to answer the questions that I raised.
You do not prove that his allegation is true or right. Do you merely assume or speculate?
You have failed to answer the questions that I raised.
It is proven that you hide behind "focus of this forum is not supposed to be on an individual person" to propagate your agenda. Was it you that made the term "KJV-only advocate" with its ficitious definition to cast down on The Holy Bible, and to injure Christians' faith in God? Would you like for me to share with my Brothers here, examples of people that have been injured by your man made propaganda?So what? You have failed to answer the questions that you were asked so you do not practice what you preach.
Your questions could be considered diversionary since they do not directly concern the subject of Bible translations. The focus of this forum is not supposed to be on an individual person.
Did you find what you were hunting for?You have failed to answer the questions that I raised.Are you Rick Norris?
Are you saying that your are not Rick Norris and not answering the questions to elude the issues?