Should more respect be shown to the KJV than to the pre-1611 English Bibles of which it is a revision?
I believe I know where the misunderstanding keeps happening with regard to "KJV Only".
Many people here, and in other forums I have visited, think we are a "cult", and think that we are trying to
force people to use what they are not persuaded to use.
This is untrue, at least for me and many others who I agree with.
The issue is one of
manuscripts and translation technique, not with trying to force people to use something they do not wish to use.
In the end,
every professing believer has the right and privilege to use whatever they want.
Those of us that are persuaded that the TR underlying the AV is the correct Greek Text, as well as the Ben Chayyim Masoretic Text being the correct Hebrew collated text, are convinced that we
already have the best and most faithful translation in our own language that we're likely to get this side of Christ coming again.
Does partiality have to be shown to the KJV translators in order to show proper respect to the KJV?
Men being men and God being God, many of us who are "KJV Only" firmly believe that the Lord used the men who developed the "KJV", as you call it, to make a very good and very faithful translation of His word into our language.
We don't encourage people to look at the varying manuscripts and other evidences because we want to "pull the wool" over anyone's eyes...
Quite the contrary.
We wish people to look at
who is involved in the translation process,
what it is resulting in ( 4+ billion dollars of Bible sales annually, with most of that money making the publishing companies very rich ) and
what changes are being made to what has been widely accepted as the word of God in English for over 400 years now.
Partiality doesn't have to be shown to truth, you and other readers of this thread have the right to go your way, and we will go ours.
We will follow our conscience, and you can follow yours.
Would avoiding or ignoring the truth concerning the KJV and its making be showing proper respect to it?
Again, "proper respect" isn't something we are looking for ( if I haven't said it already ), at least not to those of us that contend that someone is trying to re-invent the wheel when it comes to Bible translations.
Many of us that are "KJV Only", as we are known, are
well aware of the details concerning its making.
We are also well aware of the details of the making of the NASB, for example, as well as the making of the NIV, the ASV, the RSV and many others.
But given the marked divisions regarding differing subjects on
just this forum alone, it doesn't surprise me in the least that this subject keeps coming up.
However, at the end of the day, you and anyone else that reviews what we have to present has the right and privilege to disagree, and we respect that.