I did take his advice, and followed his example. Show me in scripture where Paul ceased speaking in tongues. And please don't give me your interpretation of the scripture. I can only assume that your vehement protests, are based on your own lack of experience of anything beyond book knowledge.
I serve a living God. A God that changes to meet the needs of the people in the time they live, not some time 2,000 years ago. If God could, and that is a big could, remove tongues from the package of gifts for the church to use, what says He can't and won't give the gift AGAIN. Just because it isn't for you bro, doesn't mean it isn't for others.
In fact, while I don't judge you, and haven't since this thread began, it is apparent that you have set yourself up as judge and jury. You may ask yourself why that is???
I am not trying to be provocative, just would like to share what's on my heart. You've referred to the use of tongues as being for stupid folks (because don't need tongues, He.speaks English), mentally ill folks, etc. If that isn't judging, what is.
Can't you just agree to disagree? I can live with that, and wonder why you can't?
BTW - did you even bother to read the links attached to this OP. There is a growing number of Baptist using tongues, and prayer languages. Why is that? Could the times be a changin'?