Brother Quantum made an interesting remark concerning theology and simplicity. It represents a sentiment that I have seen several others echo.
But I wonder if it is a good thing.
But many great theological and philosophical issues are NOT simple.
They are complex until you get them.
In Quantum's field there are equations that you CANNOT keep simple nor should you try. You should be honest and say- Now this is going to be difficult- it is complex- I will explain it to the best of my ability but you are going to struggle to get it at first.
This desire to keep everything in theology simple is not good and to pretend that it all should be is less than honest.
Now don't get me wrong- salvation is simple enough for a child to understand. But the implications of it baffle scholars.
Adrian Rogers said of the Word of God- "It is so wonderful that a small child can stoop and drink and not fear drowning; but it is so deep that the greatest scholars can dive in and never touch bottom."
Should we just avoid anything in the Bible that is complex at all? Is that a noble endeavor?
Should we embrace shallowness and never seek to know the DEEP things of God?
Should we treat the DEEP things of God as though they are not complex and as though they are easy to be understood?
I know that there are plenty of things about God we will NEVER understand- but aren't there things about God that he reveals to us that are VERY complex and that he wants us to seek to understand?
What do you think?
But I wonder if it is a good thing.
He said:
Thanks for keeping it simple for a man like me.
But many great theological and philosophical issues are NOT simple.
They are complex until you get them.
In Quantum's field there are equations that you CANNOT keep simple nor should you try. You should be honest and say- Now this is going to be difficult- it is complex- I will explain it to the best of my ability but you are going to struggle to get it at first.
This desire to keep everything in theology simple is not good and to pretend that it all should be is less than honest.
Now don't get me wrong- salvation is simple enough for a child to understand. But the implications of it baffle scholars.
Adrian Rogers said of the Word of God- "It is so wonderful that a small child can stoop and drink and not fear drowning; but it is so deep that the greatest scholars can dive in and never touch bottom."
Should we just avoid anything in the Bible that is complex at all? Is that a noble endeavor?
Should we embrace shallowness and never seek to know the DEEP things of God?
Should we treat the DEEP things of God as though they are not complex and as though they are easy to be understood?
I know that there are plenty of things about God we will NEVER understand- but aren't there things about God that he reveals to us that are VERY complex and that he wants us to seek to understand?
What do you think?