No. I
know so. No one is as theologically precise as said persons think. None. To claim that Scripture is so simplistic is to suggest that since it is, then one who believes this can exposit any passage at any given time. In real time. That is foolishness. Thus it is safe to conclude that if on the spot, these same would find explaining Scriptures rather difficult, as I will prove with your own words later in this reply.
(I took out your smiley so I could one of my own lol)
I don't think I (though I could be wrong) that I ever said that scripture was simple. I'm sure I've said that scripture can be understood by anyone to the extent he/she needs to in order to present Christ to those around them in the place where God has planted them. Bloom where you are planted, ya know?
I also said, or thought I did, that there is a difference between theology and scripture. Not everyone needs to be a theologian, all have need to be saved and that can certainly happen outside "theology".
"As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:16
Some things, says the Bible, are
hard to understand. God says some are hard to understand, but some on here say it's not, it's simple. Wow. Wonder who is correct? It's
not all so
simple. The whole idea from these is that they who say Scripture is so simple need no one to teach them. This passage would support study and learning, and begs the question,
"from whom and how?"
But what does God say? He has placed within the body as a gift, teachers. To hold the above attitude is to discredit and belittle whom God has called, and belittle His order in the church, and lacks honoring this gift, and those who have it. Ephesians 4:11
Absolutely God uses teachers and teachers are necessary and useful, but that doens't mean that we as individuals shouldn't "try the spirits".
Your bickering included?
Who me? Bicker? Never!
instance? This (your) illustration has no logical flow from the context of this part of the thread. It's a perfect example of a straw man.
The context of the thread is "is theology simple" I've already said the answer is both yes and no. (I just love contradictory stances) And within that stance, I am making the claim that not EVERYONE needs a deep knowledge of theological issues. God can use those with a basic understanding as well.
Yes I saw you go after Luke and use your age and experience as a proof that you are correct and he is wrong. Let's use Scriptures to prove our points, not experience, as in how I have used the Scriptures? This ought to be the protocol of those of us who have so much "experience."
Actually, my point in that was only to show that he is going to find it hard going to change views that folks have held and used in long years of service. That thread got closed before I could return to it, something Luke already knows cause I pmed him an apology for not getting back in time.
Where does the Scripture say
"b*sta*rd not entering the gates of heaven?"
Out of context, Duet 23:2 KJV. It was then used, equally out of context, as a justification that my great-grandfather couldn't have possibly been "elected" to salvation. And he believed it. Nothing his son, or my father (his grandson in law) could say would change his mind, because his elders(you know, those he considered "more learned") had already made the pronouncement.
I find it a cultual curiosity that you didn't recognize the reference. But as I have said, God equips us for the place where He has planted us. (This is btw, my earliest recollection of a scriptural debate. I was about 3 or 4 at the time and wasn't supposed to be inside "bothering" the men lol)
More learned unfortunately is in the eye of the beholder. My great-grandfather, considered his "elders" to be "more learned" when it came to scriptures. They taught him, he taught my grandfather and my father, and not the other way around, because the natural order of things is for the elder to teach the younger. Who was around that was "more learned"? However, I believe that God will do what is right and was able to overcome the stumbling block of this false theology in my great-grandfather's life. (was because my great-grandfather died not long after this event.)