New Member
First of all, sometimes we lose sight of the fact that often these terms are metaphors: baptized (not with water, but still immersed), filled (not our bodies), endued with (clothed with). I believe (comparing Acts 2:4, Mark 1:5, Luke 24:49) these all refer to the same event, the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost for the purpose of winning souls (compare Acts 4:8 & 31 to ch. 2). God used these equivalent terms to give us a full picture, but they are all metaphors for God giving power for service through the Holy Spirit.
Concerning the events of Acts 10-11, I connect them with Peter receiving the keys to the Kingdom (Matt. 16:19). The Holy Spirit was "poured out" (11:15; another metaphor) to show that the Gentiles were equally a part of the church with the Jews. So Peter was opening the door to the Gentiles with his metaphorical keys."
Note that the tongues were not mentioned by Peter in ch. 11; they were a sign, but not an important one. They only occur one other time in Acts, so three times all together. The third time they occur (19:6), the disciples of John are introduced to the church. It happens no more. I once sat across from some "Latter Rain" Japanese Charismatics in the home of a couple in my church and asked, "How many times do tongues occur in Acts?" They said, "Five or six," and were amazed to learn it was only three.
Concerning 1 Cor. 12:13, this is a different metaphor than the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 etc., because we are all baptized (immersed) into a body--which has to be the body of Christ. The term "body" does not appear in other passages. Again, all believers in this age have the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9), meaning that any prayer to have the Holy Spirit given is moot.
I hope this helps.
Thank you very much. Yes it helps greatly, and believe we are on the same page. Those Chapters in Acts are hard to do a study on, especially with a Pentecostal in the audience. LOL. I tried to compare Pentecost to the Spirit being made avaliable to the Gentiles in Acts 9-11, and to the Samarians in Chapter 8, about a seven or eight year period of time. When they were first called Chrisitans at Antioch forward, the Spirit was here for all to respond to the Gospel.
Praise God He included the Gentiles, don't you think? Well, again, thanks. May God continue to bless your ministry and family. I have learned much from you over the years.