Truth matters to me. You continue to avoid the issues and seem to think revealing your true position would be a divisive thing to do. I agree, people would and do flee from the "truth" of your doctrine. it is no wonder to me that you can't or refuse answer the simple question I presented.
Because you presume far more than appropriate in your post, I will respond to your assumptions.
I was not asked to advise on what "I" believed, nor did I offer - it would have been inappropriate. I was there as a resource to advise the committee on how to work through what various pastors held as Scriptural to the many questions the committee asked. We all had Scriptures at hand and searched for what agreement to the Scriptures each pastor provided.
None of the questions asked used the term Calvin or Arminian. And it wasn't until the very words were spoken in a phone conversation with one of the pastor finalists that division and confusion badly divided the group. There was no "fleeing." But the unity was lost, and sadly years later there are some who cannot get past the hurtful expressions made to each other.
I was not asking, nor did I even suggest the "truth" of one doctrine over another. Again, to have done so would have been dishonest and inappropriate to what the committee desired by inviting me.
You presume I did not answer the question. Though I did in at least two posts, and encouraged you to start another thread if you wanted to further the discussion on the accuracy of the statement.
So, because there are those who only want to see through their own preconceptions, I will restate. It is possible that the statement is correct, just as the statement of the Arminian view is correct. However, it also is more likely to create further division and not work for the unity of the brethren.
More to the point of the OP, would you agree with "synergism" as a word supporting your view?